The offerred room (no. 1) with a size of 8 m2 in a shared apartment 4+1 after complete reconstruction in the street Ke Kateřinkám, Prague 11 – Chodov with quick access to the metro Opatov (red line A). The apartment is located in an apartment complex after reconstruction on the 8th floor of a building with an elevator. The room is equipped with a built-in sleeping floor with a mattress, a wardrobe, a desk with a chair. There are external blackout outdoor blinds on window in room. Bedding and bed linens provided. The apartment consists of an equipped kitchen with dining area (fridge/freezer, induction hob, electric oven, microwave, dishwasher, dishes), 4 separate rooms, bathroom with shower, toilet and washing machine. Further from the hall with a built-in large wardrobe, where each tenant has other storage space and another separate toilet. All civic amenities, groceries, polyclinic, OC Opatovská with many shops, LIDL, Billa, cafe, schools, Pizza, restaurant, ICE arena, Milíčovský park are all within walking distance. About 5 min. walk to Ke Kateřinkám bus stop (bus no. 213, 136, 122), metro Opatov by bus 3 min. The apartment is non-smoking (including electronic cigarettes), without pets. The house is equipped with cameras both inside and outside. The apartment has a security alarm...
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